¡Hola Chile!

Ooh, I haven´t been to this country yet! Everything´s brand new and totally different all over again. Suddenly everything costs a lot more. BUT, for your money, you get a more temperate climate (very important at this stage), actual oxygen in the air you breathe, and traffic signs that actually have a say in what the traffic does. Am I still in South America? Bec and I actually had to be waved across the street by a car that stopped at a pedestrian crossing and even then we weren´t sure if he really menat it or was waiting, a gleam in his eye, foot inches above the accelerator...
San Pedro de Atacama was hot and dusty and just lovely. We dropped so fast from the salt pans to this oasis of a pueblo that my ears were blocked for ages and I got a slight decompression headache. All good though. At that stage I would endure just about anything to defrost my toes. San Pedro is very tourist-oriented (ie. pretty expensive) but it is lovely - apart from the man at our hostal (don´t go there). We were really just passing through and recovering from our salt flats tour for a

From San Pedro de A. we went our seperate ways: Morgan to Salta (and onwards where she would meet Sarah b

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